5 Useful Tips to Return to the Gym with Motivation

5 Useful Tips to Return to the Gym with Motivation

We know that we do not always have time to be fit. It happens that there are times when work commitments, family, any major episode, the arrival of a son, and we shorten or outright cancel the physical activity. Sometimes it may take much time when you do not step in the gym or move even one dumbbell or spend a minute to aerobic exercise, both are at home, and in the gym or outdoors, and suddenly you look out of shape, you feel tired and without energy, and decide it is time to get back to the gym. Here I give you five tips successful return.

1 – Make sure your gym confidence has not changed.

While you felt great in the environment of gym you had chosen, but now you have been away from it for many months and many things might have changed. There may be new aerobic machines, perhaps the space for exercises with weights has increased or decreased, maybe your favorite teacher or coach is no longer there.

2 – Restart Slowly

If you intend to make up for lost time in a week, you will be disappointed; according to how long you have been away from the gym, your returning efforts will be shorter or longer. Do not try to force the body to readopt too quickly or you will expose yourself to injury. Fortunately for you, there is what we call muscle memory, the ability of muscle fibers to recognize stimuli that had received previously and strive to reach the previous level. Do not forget that it may take a while.

3 – Organize an Adjustment Period

The best recommendation for these cases is to start with short workouts in which you combine two muscle groups in a total of four weekly sessions, including aerobics. Do not try to emulate the intensity of your previous training in the first week. It is also wise enough to reduce the weights with which you worked, the exact amount should be decided by you and gradually raise until you are comfortable and striving to reach the tenth repetition. Remember that your priority is to avoid injury.

4 – Regulate Your Diet

Do not try the same training to lose weight and to build muscle mass. If you have made during your period of absence in the gym and have accumulated more kilos, your priority should be to get fit again. Have a proper low-calorie diet, give importance to aerobic and exercise with moderate weights. If you lost muscle mass, you should adjust your diet to start to have extra energy with which you fuel your muscle fibers.

5 – Gym Quotes

We need moral support as well when return to the gym and gym quotes work very well in this regard. You can browse on the internet and find many inspiration gym quotes. You can see inspirational gym quotes here as well.


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