Clans System in Pixel Gun 3D

Clans System in Pixel Gun 3D

In this article I will describe the Content of Pixel Gun 3D. If you are searching for such type of content in Pixel Gun World you can see it at Clans System (PGW). Clans are team introduced in 60.0 update which is revamped in 13.0.0 update. If anyone is inside a clan, clan logo as well as its name will appear below the name of the player. It needs 6th level in order to unlock it.

There are lots of features in clans system. And here is a short detail for each

  • Clan’s leaderboard that indicate clans with most of the medals.
  • Clans search bar which allow you to search where the clans are.
  • Clans invites, that are used for inviting other players into your clan.
  • Clans chat that is a type of chat-room that is exclusive to the members in any particular clan
  • Clan Forts that are added in update of 13.1.0.
  • Siege are also added in the update of 13.1.0.
  • Medals that can be earned up to 120 medals every day.
  • Smaller Clans Chests that include exclusive fort objects as well as weapons.
  • Fort Objects that are used for clan forts.
  • Clan interface that contain the information about clan like amount of siege won and members, members in clan and clan name, motto and logo on the top.

How  to Create Clan?

  • Requirements: it need 50 Coins to create a clan
  • For creating a clan, go to home menu and then tap on blue Clan button.
  • Then tap on button “New Clan”.
  • You can also add logo motto, logo name, change the type of clan (public type can allow anyone to join, whereas a private clan only allow invited people to join) and select 12 pre-designed logos or you can edit them.
  • Tap on “Create” buttons.

Recruiting a Clan

Own a Clan

Usually a leader gets more control on their clan. Leaders are able to expand the member limit of their clan with gems, and accept invites and usually have more capabilities while they manage the clan.

Public Type Clans

In public clans gamers can freely join them just by tapping a button “Join Clan”. But, if clan is full players aren’t able to join it.

Private Type Clans

Players are needed to send a request through tapping on “Apply Request” button, in private clans. As soon as a player has submit request, leader of clan can receive it and he can accept and deny it.

There are various sites where you can find free gems and coins to get Pixel Gun 3 D hacks to boost your performance and to compete your rivals.


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