Discover The Natural Lawn Maintenance Tips!

Discover The Natural Lawn Maintenance Tips!

The lawn is a must in any garden, bigger or smaller. It is the favorite space of our home to disconnect at one hundred percent from the daily routine, from stress, from problems to enter in another dimension that brings us closer to nature and reap the benefits it brings to us. But like everything in this life, it requires specific lawn maintenance routine, so that the health and beauty of your lawn will not be consumed too soon.

The tight schedule we have every day prevents us sometimes to devote all the time we would like to do the household chores such as maintaining our garden lawn. Therefore, to be more practical and always have a turf in perfect condition, we resort to artificial. But there are people who have more time, or are simply are the true lovers of the traditional ways, so they opt for the natural option always, which is actually a good choice. But remember that you will have to put more effort in the lawn maintenance if you choose this way. If you follow these steps we provide in this post, you will not die in the attempt of lawn maintenance and you will get your lawn always looking like the first day.

The first thing to keep in mind is the importance of mowing. If we do it habitually, we will have a nice, perfect lawn. Mowing is vital throughout the growth process, usually from early spring to mid-autumn. In the case of lawn of the garden, we are going to tread it frequently since the harvest must be short and frequent. But in the areas of the garden where we have plants, the harvest must be longer.

Another aspect to take into account is the surface treatment. You have to watch for the rains. If it does not rain in a day or two, the concentrated chemicals will have to be mixed with sand. And in spring and summer, we must use soluble chemicals every eight weeks. Already entered the autumn, the products that we must choose are of slow action.

Irrigation is essential, so that the natural grass maintains a healthy appearance. The irrigation system by which we decant must simulate the rain by providing a fine spray.

Also we must end the weeds. If we are not careful, they will end up faster than we think with our lawn. Make use of mercerized sand to deal with such issues, the main enemies of our lawn.


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