Do you know about hewitt home schooling?

Do you know about hewitt home schooling?

Homeschooling is a trend of recent years. And after the “quarantine year”, when all schoolchildren were forced to switch to “computer lessons”, thousands and thousands of parents suddenly discovered that “it turned out that it was possible! He can study at home or somewhere else, and this is also legal. But in order for everything to be official and the child to achieve the goals in education that you set, you should know how to organize hewitt home schooling. In this article, we have tried to answer the most popular questions.

What is home schooling

First of all: homeschooling is a complete, flexible form of education available to everyone.

From the point of view of American legislation, there are different forms of education within the walls of educational institutions and outside them, under the responsibility of the family. But here it is easy to get confused.

To answer the question of what home schooling is, let’s clarify the concepts. Homeschooling is not some kind of official term, it is a common “folk” name for all those situations where parents, rather than the school, are responsible for the education of the child. There are many types of homeschooling.

On the one hand, homeschooling is not always homeschooling. On the other hand, homeschooling is not always homeschooling.

How so? And so that a child whose parents transferred to hewitt home schooling can go to school, it will simply not be a public school and not an educational institution with the right to attest students, but, for example, a family school. At the same time, a child with a disability can receive home education, but this will not be home schooling in the full sense: he can partially attend classes at school, school teachers can visit him, and so on.

Types of homeschooling

Let’s figure it out. According to American law, any child can go to home schooling.

From a legal point of view, there are the following types of home schooling (i.e. studying outside the regular school, with its mandatory daily attendance):

  1. family education (the generally accepted term is family education; in grades 10-11 – self-education)
  2. distance learning
  3. part-time education
  4. home schooling

A parent or guardian has the right to choose any form of education for their child. What is each of them?

Family education

This form of education is provided for by Article 17 of the Federal Law “On Education “. Family education is carried out until the end of the 9th grade outside educational institutions and is completely at the mercy of the legal representatives of the child – parents and guardians. They are responsible for the quality of education. The child’s personal card is kept by his legal representative, that is, you. There is no information about training.

If you are in a family education, intermediate certification for classes is optional. This is your right, but not an obligation. Only the final certification is obligatory – OGE. But for admission to the OGE, certification is required in the 9th grade for the entire period of study. Read more about the features of certification in the family form of education, read here.

The school organizes these certifications, and also provides the student with textbooks free of charge, gives the opportunity to participate in school Olympiads and competitions at all levels.

The only obligation of a parent in relation to the state is to notify the state educational authorities that the child is in a family form of education. In family education, parents themselves choose a training program for the child, methods, schedule, form of classes, pace, place, and so on.

You can choose from programs presented on the Internet and in books, you can develop methods and teach your child on your own, hire tutors, use the services of family education centers … The state does not control this in any way.


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