How to Clean, Seal and Polish Granite Surfaces?

How to Clean, Seal and Polish Granite Surfaces?

We see the granite mainly in the kitchen counters. If you want to keep it in perfect condition, follow these instructions to polish, seal, restore and clean granite surfaces. In many kitchens, the granite is the base of the allowances, letting a practical cleaning and an ideal surface for the kneading.

Granite is a beautiful and very versatile material used in the construction of various surfaces in the home. The cleaning of the granite is usually quite practical, simply passing a damp cloth over the counter to remove dirt and dust. However, if you want to do a more effective cleaning, remove some aged stains or polish the granite to restore its original shine, do not miss these simple tips, which are very useful and easy to run.

Steps to Clean Granite

Begin by releasing the surface, removing objects and decorations. Then rinse with a soft, dry cloth to remove lint and loose dirt. Now, you are ready to begin.

The first part of this cleaning will be with detergent or dishwasher cleaner. Simply, place it on a sponge and examine the surface with circular movements, vigorously rubbing over the adhering dirt or where you notice that it is not so smooth. Then rinse with a sponge, soaking it with warm water. With this step, you will eliminate the simple dirt, and you will degrease the area to take the next step. You should allow to dry thoroughly before proceeding.

Now analyze the granite surface. See if there are skipped parts or holes in any sector. If there are any, make sure they are dry, and seal them with a good granite sealer which you can easily find at The Review Gurus. The granite sealer is a product which is applied, paired with a spatula, and allowed to dry for several hours, according to the manufacturer’s specifications.

Steps for Polishing Granite Surfaces

Apply the second granite specific product, an aerosol granite sealant which is simply applied by spraying it on the surface to fill the smallest perforations such as scratches and small bumps that granite could have, and which are not visible to the naked eye.

After spraying, let it act for a few seconds, and rub it in circular motions, making a little pressure with a soft dry cloth. This will be essential for the granite to recover its luster, acting as a real polisher such as that of wood.

When you are polishing, remember to check the corners, joints and edges well. We often clean only the visible area of the granite, and this is a big mistake that only affects the end result.

Granite countertops maintenance is a simple process if done regularly and certain things are taken into consideration. The important thing to be done is a daily wiping as well as cleaning. It’s important to make use of the right cleaners with regard to granite. Many cleaners are too acidic and may damage the sealant that’s applied to granite counter tops. This permits chemicals to seep to the pores of the granitic and cause damage.

Select a non-acidic cleaner such as Granite Gold Daily Cleaner, and you won’t need to worry about stripping the sealant out of your granite. Be very careful of not using hydrofluoric acid. It is used in many rust removers as well. It will severely dull as well as etch a polished granitic countertop surface. You must find some granite cleaner reviews before you are out in the market to buy a granite cleaner.

If the spill should occur, clean up before the stain has an opportunity to penetrate the surface. Granitic is somewhat absorbent, and can absorb the spilled liquid and can cause unsightly stains if spills are left for a long time.

It is very important sealing granite countertops to protect them in the long run. You need to apply a sealant twice a year to seal the pores within the granite and protect the top. This is as easy as wiping the sealant on to the granite and wiping it off. Most people do make the mistake of not re-sealing their granite counter tops. This needs to be done to be able to ensure a non-porous area, which will protect the actual naturally porous granite and assist in preventing stains and damage.

Stay away from harsh chemicals such as vinegar, ammonia or citrus cleansers within the granite surface since they are vicious substances and can harm the stone. In exactly the same way, do not use rough cleansers simply because they may lighten the stone color over a period of time with small scratches.

Despite the fact that, dish soap is regarded as a soft cleaner, however, if you utilized frequently can leave the coat of soap froth on the counters over time. When you are buying dish soap to make use of on the countertop, just ensure that the soap ought to be lighter than the countertop to prevent any kind of unsightly stains. You should not stand on the countertop as it can crack under too much of a weight.


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