Learn Breathing Practice In Yoga According To Yoga Sutras

Learn Breathing Practice In Yoga According To Yoga Sutras

Yoga Sutras were compiled by the sage Patanjali based on the ancient tradition of yoga and aim to realize a whole scientific system that is yoga. With Yoga Sutras, we understand that yoga is primarily a psychological science based on ancient philosophy of transcendence.

Just do what he says and the result will occur. The result is destined to happen and it is as two plus two is equal to four or one hundred degrees of heat provided to water causes it to evaporate. It requires no belief, just what you do and what you know. It is something to be done and known. So I say there is no comparison and no other man like Patanjali has existed on earth.

In these 195 aphorisms, an analysis of the modus operandi of the human mind and its respective relationship to suffering develops. Generally speaking, ignorance regarding our infinite non-dual nature comes from the modification of mental activity. Yoga is the stillness of the fluctuations of the mind, which come from identification with the senses, thoughts and body.

One of the eight components of classical yoga is breathing. More precisely, pranayama, which means control of breathing; prana is life force and yama is restricted. Pranayama is the fourth of the members of yoga after yamas, niyamas and asanas. In the yogic tradition, breath control is essential for spiritual development.

Control involves rhythmic breathing and regulation of inhalation, retention and exhalation of breath. To regulate prana, the vital energy is essential for consciousness which is directed inward and is concentration. Pranayama, similar to what happens with the asanas, a way referenced by Patanjali is very different from the practices of hatha yoga that were developed over time from the tantric traditions of making conscious and direct breathing patterns involving great stress.

Any action in the light of the Yoga Sutras is usually a manifestation of desires or rejections, so in this branch of yoga, it is suggested to have a simple observation of breathing which unintentionally generates a change in its qualities, allowing to reach very deep levels of concentration and body’s stillness. Because, also as with the positions, which suggests classical yoga in relation to breathing is the minimum possible effort.

For classic yoga, pranayama is a way of observing the breath, and as this happens, there is a regulation in its pace and there is a process with concentration of mind. When this is transcended, deeper form of breathing emerges that goes beyond the three stages of breathing which are inhalation, retention and inhalation. This form of breathing allows us to breathe without effort, allowing the veil of ignorance to be lifted because pure contemplation implies a higher form of breathing.


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