Recommendations on Vaccines for Dogs

Recommendations on Vaccines for Dogs

The process of vaccination of your dog starts at about six weeks of age. These vaccines should be given every three weeks until it is four months old. The dog must receive DHLLP, a combined vaccine including distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza, parvovirus and leptospirosis. At four months of age, your dog should receive vaccination against rabies. However, vaccination can vary depending on where you live if you bring your dog to travel and lifestyle.

For example, if you want to take your dog to daycare, you may be asked for proof of vaccination against kennel cough, but the disease usually goes away by itself, which makes this vaccine is somewhat superfluous. Of course, it is always good to consult your veterinarian if you have questions.

At first, vaccinating your dog seems overwhelming. There are many vaccines and it is difficult to understand all about them. However, as with people, you should not underestimate the importance of vaccines because they can prevent irrevocable health problems. Also, your dog must stay at home until it has have been vaccinated. But do not worry! There has to be a tedious process. Below is a list of the most essential vaccines for the welfare of your dog.

Remember that depending on the country or region where you live, your dog breed, age and health status, you may need some and not others; your vet will inform you about it.


It seems a cold, but makes the dog from getting worse and can be fatal.

Hepatitis (Adenovirus)

It causes fever and anorexia among other symptoms.


It is a highly contagious disease that causes vomiting and diarrhea.


It cause diarrhea and mainly affects puppies younger than 12 weeks.


It can start with a cough and become pneumonia.


It affects dogs and people. The dog feels tremors, vomiting and fever.


It causes arthritis and lack of energy, however, it is not fatal.


It causes an acute cough. It is necessary if your dog goes to a wildlife center.


In the United States the rabies vaccine is mandatory. It is passed through a bit of other animal and is fatal. It also affects humans.

Booster shots

Most vaccines take several reinforcements about two weeks after the first. For example, after the distemper vaccination at six to eight weeks, your dog needs another at 10.

Do not worry about that for now, as your veterinarian will tell you when you will need it, so you must respect schedule. Otherwise, you can expose your dog to diseases and you may need to receive initial vaccine again.

All dogs are susceptible to diseases, but some diseases are more common in some breeds. For example, parvovirus is common in Dobermans and Rottweilers. Please, click here to learn more ideas for better health of your dog.


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