The Difference between Termites and Ants

The Difference between Termites and Ants

Termites and ants are not the same creatures. There are similarities in how they have evolved to survive. Both the termite and the ant are very advanced foragers. Their whole way of living is centered round hunting for food. These little creatures will march mile after mile to look for something to feed the colony. Because of all the scurrying to and fro, they do appear to be the same, but termites are very different to ants and they also cause a lot more damage. Ants are a lot less fussy in what they eat. Termites want mainly wood.

Sometimes people will see a termite and call it a ‘white ant’. On the other hand, they want to call the red fire ant a red termite. These two species couldn’t be more different from one another. The only thing they have in common is that they both live in colonies.

Being able to tell the difference between the two is necessary because it may save you a lot of money. Having to spend on repairs that have been caused by a termite colony does happen because it was assumed it was a harmless ant nest out in the yard.

Ants also forage for food and eat pretty much anything they come across. Ants will eat your food, but they will not eat your home. A colony of termites will eat your house until there is not a splinter of wood left behind.

If you mistakenly believe that termites are ants and you use a pesticide to get rid of them, you will use a chemical that will have no effect on termites. What works on ants will not work on termites and this is important for you to understand.

Termite infestation must be dealt with speedily and there is no time to try out chemicals or find out after a length of time that your ants are really termites because the damage would have been made.

There are termites that live beneath the ground while others build really strong mounds on top of the ground. They also build these mounds in secluded spots such as underneath a house. Ants only build their nests on the ground’s surface. Their structures are not very strong because they use loose soil as well as tiny bits of food they scavenge.

Both termites and ants are highly developed foragers. It may come as a surprise to discover that termites do not have eyes; because they are almost always underground they have no need of these organs, but they do have an excellent sense of smell.

Ants have a set of compound eyes. They spend a lot of time above ground. If you spot a colony of insects and you are not sure exactly which species they are, then compare photos. There are many pictures online highlighting the differences between termites and ants. Due to the enormous damage that can be inflicted by termites, you must know for sure which is which and take immediate action.

Terro Ant killer is one of the best remedies against ants. The advantage of Terro Ant Killer is that it can be used in hospitals, kitchens, restaurants, etc. Attracted by sweet liquid, ants ingest it and the share it with other members of the colony. It is one of the most effective means of extermination of sweet eating ants.

Terro Ant Killer is an ant bait solution based on borax, also known as sodium tetraborate. The concentration is 5.4% and the other 94.6% are inactive ingredients. In small doses, borax is not poisonous for humans and pets.

Terro Ant Killer contains the amount of borax which is effective against the ants, but it is not enough to do any harm to people and the risks for pets are minimal as well. If it happens that your pet eats the solution, it will not have any problems for the reason that such amount of poison will not hurt an animal. However, if your pet has a negative reaction after ingesting Terro Ant Killer, you should consult a veterinarian. It should be mentioned that Terro Ant Killer is ecologically responsible as it contains borax and it is one of the products recommended by experts in the field.

It is considered to be an effective insecticide. There are several types of Terro products. You can choose ant bait that will suit you, for example, indoor and outdoor liquid bait traps, waterproof ant dust for crevice treatments.

Terro Ant Killer II is a clear sticky liquid produced in one ounce bottles. It is packaged in cardboard box containing small rectangles that you tear off. Although it contains a minimal amount of poison, you should be aware of precautions and put it away from the children and pets. Read the label carefully and never place the baits in the areas where they can be easily reached by children and pets.

If Terro Ant Killer gets on your skin, wash the area with soap and warm water. It is recommended to put the bait in places, most common for ants such as windowsills, tubs, under sinks and food cabinets.

When the worker ants find the solution, they eat it and take the poison to the rest of the colony. The ants do not die immediately, but the poison lets them share it with their buddies. The job will be completed in seven days, but the effects can be seen on the next day. You can find more ant killer reviews before you take a final decision.


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