The Evolutionary Journey of Kitchen Cabinets

The Evolutionary Journey of Kitchen Cabinets

Out of all the rooms in your house, the place with the most amount of items is usually the kitchen. The reasoning behind this is pretty simple, in order to cook and be adequately outfitted, you need so many items i.e. spices, pots, pans, tupperware, forks, knives, pitchers, measuring cups and the list could go on forever. If your kitchen is anything like mine, you really need the extra space. In order to maximize the space you have, think about installing a kitchen cabinet organizer. It is a true lifesaver for any home. These units come in all shapes and sizes and can be customized to fit any size of the cabinets.

The kitchen cabinets were not available in homes of the early United States. Instead of kitchen cabinets as we know them today, there were pantries, larders, pie chests and china cabinets. They each had their specific place in the home. The pantries held the dishes, pots and pans, preserved foods such as meats, vegetables and fruit where larders were built in cool areas and held grains, flour, potatoes, vegetables and fruit, etc. The China cabinets held the everyday and good dishes used to eat from and pie chests and their kind were used to store baked goods such as bread, cakes, pies, etc. Every food and utensil had its own storage place.

The kitchen cabinets would not have been practical as the houses were not built for them. Today’s kitchen cabinets would not be able to be attached to the wall of the log cabinet because the logs would not allow the cabinet to sit solidly. Lathe and plaster walls were not yet installed in homes. Kitchen cabinets as we know them today came into being during the twentieth century with smaller appliances. The early cabinets were handmade and continued being handmade until they became a necessity and mass production took over.

The early cabinets were not only handmade, they were made of fine wood and each maker had his own design which later declared him to be a fine cabinet maker. The solid wood cabinets are usually made of cherry, maple, oak or birch, and with proper care can last for many years. With the mass production of today very few kitchen cabinets are made of fine and expensive solid wood. Instead they are made of pressed woods and veneers. If wood is used to make the less expensive kitchen cabinets, then it is not the best grade


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