Tips to Build a Community of Owners

Tips to Build a Community of Owners

Every community must have a Community of Owners that groups all those who own a house, place or other unit of independent occupation. It is governed by the law of horizontal property and its main objective should be to defend the common interests of the owners, so that the management of the community should always be impeccable. In this article, we explain the keys on how to constitute a community of owners. In the first place, it should be noted that the community of owners will consist of the following entities;

  • Home owners
  • Local Owners
  • Owners of any other unit of independent occupation

It is also important to emphasize that it is not tenants of houses and premises, but of the people who own them.

The first thing that must be done to constitute a community of owners will be to establish it as such, through a first meeting of all owners in which the Constitution Act should be drafted with the agreements taken. This official document must include all the agreements made at the first Board of Owners of said Community.

In turn, the Statutes will be drafted in the first Meeting and the necessary positions must be appointed in any community of owners that will form the governing body as per the established law;

  • Board of Owners
  • President of the Community appointed by the owners as a result of election or by rotating or drawing lots.
  • Community Vice Presidents (optional)
  • Secretary and this position can be exercised by the community president as well.
  • Administrator

It will be necessary to proceed with the authorization of the signatures and approve an initial budget. A batch of questions and questions must also be opened, so that any owner can intervene.

Another step to establish a community of owners will be to legalize the Book of Minutes, which you can buy in a stationery store, depositing it in the Property Register in which the property is registered.

On the other hand, the Tax Identification Number (NIF) of the Community of Owners must be requested, through the corresponding Tax Office. You must submit the following;

  1. Copy of the appointment of the President of the Community.
  2. Photocopy of the DNI of the President.
  3. Horizontal Division Deed of the property.

It will also be vital to contract and subscribe to insurance to cover the damages to the community and general facilities, as well as civil liability. For this, it is advisable to consult different insurance companies to see which is best adapted to the needs of the Owners Community. Once the Community of Owners is constituted, it should be managed in the best possible way, either through the contracting of the service of an external Administrator or in an internal way.


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