Tips to Paint the Tiles of Your Bathroom

Tips to Paint the Tiles of Your Bathroom

At home, you are tired of the color of your bathroom and its appearance. I would love to give you a little twist and change would be radical, but you are not going to get into jobs or reforms, enough to withstand those of the neighbor above. If your bathroom is tiled, the solution is very easy and fast. Painting the tiles will be the remedy to your dark toilet. Here we tell you the most useful tips to give the tiles of your bathroom another look. It looks like a totally new space without the need for works.

First of all, clear the space, remove any decorations that may exist on walls and objects that may interfere with the work on the tiles. Once the space is clear of obstacles, we will have to clean the surface with a little soap and water. The more we strive in this process and the cleaner it is, the better for the paint to adhere well to the tiles. We will have to do away with any kind of residue or grease that bathes our material.

Now dry the entire area to be painted with a dry cloth. We will also prepare and cover spaces that will not be painted. The tape will be your great ally in this process. The more time we invest in protecting the floor, the sink or other nooks, less stains we will have to clean up afterwards.

We will put a layer of fixative on the whole surface, the short hair rollers will not come very well when it is distributed through the tiles. This fixing bottom makes the paint much better adhered to the final material. We will have to inform ourselves about the hours of drying that are needed and respect them.

As we have everything well dried, we can begin to give the first layer of special paint for tiles. It is important to choose a good quality paint, that is specific for tiles, of good resistance and that guarantees durability. While painting the tiles, it is always best to apply it from top to bottom. Start by painting the highest tiles and go down, so we will not generate accumulations of drops. Once uniformly applied, we will let it dry respecting the times. For Tile Resurfacing Buffalo NY, go to

Once dry, we can apply a new layer to make it much more uniform and resistant. We will leave this second application dry. And as it is all dry, we will be able to remove the plastics and tape that we placed in the beginning.

You can see that the process of painting the tiles is very simple and fast. You can change your old tiles with flowery prints by some simpler and minimalist. If your bathroom is small you can opt for clear shades that bring luminosity to the space. The white will always be a success, but you can also risk a little and play with discrete tones, maybe a soft blue and clear that feeling of tranquility and peace.

If you are much more daring, you can play with different walls of room and give one of them a powerful tone that stands out over the rest. For example, a good combination is the application of a glossy black wall over an absolutely white bath. The contrast will add a distinctive touch to your space and you will gain in elegance and personality. The choices are endless and more if your mind is creative and broad. Watch, analyze and give a change to your bathroom.


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