Useful Tips for Writing a Great Resume

Useful Tips for Writing a Great Resume

For the newcomers and also for those who have spent a certain time in the jobs, writing the resume is not a simple task. What to include, what to skip and where to start are some of the questions that all the workers or students usually face when they are writing their resume. In this post, we will give you some tips, so that this task is not so tedious and you can summarize your work life successfully.

  • You are supposed to discard to include your statement of the goals you pursue. You must remove all the statements in your resume of the type ‘I seek to get the initial position to use my technical skills, organizational skills and ability to deal with people.’ It is assumed that who receives your request via email and when he sees the subject ‘Applying for the IT position’ knows your objectives.
  • The job recruiters receive hundreds of resumes in a single day and will surely be tired of analyzing the candidates when they face your resume. For this, it will be wise not to use strange words that occupy a lot of space and do not make an impact.
  • You must be concise. They recruiters appreciate that you can explain your skills in a concise way. If you do so, they will probably call you for the interview.
  • The purpose you pursue with your resume is to get an interview. Therefore, your document should be interesting and not be a clone to the rest of the applicants.
  • You have to be professional. Do not include those tasks that you have done in high school and have nothing to do today with what you do, such as being the most voted person in school for being the most handsome person.
  • You should use words that indicate actions. It will be good that you indicate actions such as creating, achieving and others. It will also be good if you follow consistent grammar.
  • In case you need to quote number and money, use them. For example, ‘I have allowed 20% increase in web traffic in 3 months’.
  • It is good to use the keywords. There are departments of human resources that use software capable of detecting keywords, so it will be good to use them to not be discarded first.
  • The length of your resume should not exceed one page. It is the first rule that you must respect if you want to be successful.
  • Check it and ask someone to correct it. It is more common than you think that the documents are delivered with repeated words, misspellings or incorrect grammar, so it will be good to be careful about this aspect in your resume.

Use the Resume Template by Competency

When you have significant gaps in your resume such as a school failure or a layoff, it is appropriate to use the resume with skill model as it allows you to hide the gaps of your careers to highlight your most advantageous skills.

Segment Your Resume

Your resume must be attractive and clear. Separate the sections and highlight the titles of the sections. With a single glance, the recruiter must be able to distinguish the section that speaks about your education from the one that speaks about your professional experience, for example.

Your Resume Conveys Your Personality

Be organized, logical and concise in your resume. The employers will try to guess your personality through your resume.

Highlight Your Skills

Consider adding a section that presents the most important points of your career with a smart list. This is a list that can be put at the very top of your resume and quickly presents your key skills. This is the first thing the recruiter will notice.

No Spelling Errors

Proofread your writing and avoid spelling and grammar mistakes that can be harmful. Give a resume copy to at least three people, so that they can fix it. Even the most insignificant spelling mistake can drive your resume to the trash.

Why would the employer need you?

Think of the achievements that will interest the recruiter. Remember that he or she will read your resume asking all the time ‘What will this candidate bring me if I hire him or her?’

Make a Good First Impression

In general, the employers do not spend more than 10 seconds per resume. So put your most important achievements right from the start. For example, you can use a ranked achievement list in order of the importance.

Use of Necessary Jargon

Use trade jargon to reflect your familiarity with the employer industry, but not to the point of making your resume difficult to read. Remember that the first selection of resume is often done by the HR managers who do not have deep technical skills. Explain also the acronyms in parentheses. For example, for TCM, specify that it is ‘Total Quality Management’.

Formatting the Resume

Feel free to use bold, underline, uppercase letters, quotes and bullets to emphasize the important points.


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