Valid Reasons & Practical Tips To Live In A Log House And Maintain It

Valid Reasons & Practical Tips To Live In A Log House And Maintain It

In order for the foundation of a log house to be effective and safe, it is most advisable and economical to place it on prefabricated blocks filled with concrete, which, in turn, must be placed on a foundation. In addition, as you know that the log house must have some ventilation to avoid moisture, it is mandatory to raise it at least 20 cm from the ground.

You have to be prepared for water, snow, cold, heat, especially the sun that produces a photodegradation effect because of the emitting ultraviolet radiation which becomes a main destroyer agent for wood. To avoid this problem, never forget to apply an ‘open pore protector’ on the outside of your log house, which is specially made with colloidal pigments of a size much smaller than the micronized ones and will allow them to penetrate deeply in such a way that the protection is secured, ideally, once a year, remember to do this practice.

If the construction and subsequent care and maintenance of the log house conforms to the precise instructions, a log house can have the same duration as a house built in the middle of the city although it has a plus point of quality of life.

Have you noticed that many in America live in houses of wood and not in houses of construction of concrete? Many think that the reason is because they are cheaper and that, for insurance, it is also important, but the fact is that there are many more advantages to make a decision on whether to live in a wooden house or not and here I will give you a few of them;

  • The log house helps the health of those who live in it. The reason is that the wood breathes expelling moisture, and if you have bone or respiratory problems, you will feel much better in a log house.
  • The wooden houses are warm and help to save energy because you will spend less to keep it warm, and the wood, along with the thermal insulation you can have, takes care of it.
  • They are more soundproof because the wood is soundproof 10 times more than the concrete.
  • They are adaptable and versatile as they can be adapted to any environment and even designed in different ways, so that not all houses look like one another but leave a little more to the imagination.
  • They are durable and resistant. It seems that wood is more fire resistant than metal structures. It also makes us think that we will not have a problem with a wooden house when it lasts for a short time.
  • The wood is treated to prevent attacks of fungi, insects or other pests and that makes it safe to live in it.

For all these reasons, and many more, we think you can make a good decision by having a log house.


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