What are the Properties of Olive Oil?

What are the Properties of Olive Oil?

Olive oil is a product obtained from the fruit of the olive tree. The extra virgin olive oil is pure olive juice that has not undergone any refining process.

Properties of Olive Oil

It has the following properties;

Oleic Acid

It allows to reduce the cholesterol, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.


They are antioxidants which that prevent the aging of the skin.

Composition of Olive Oil

Its composition is divided into the following;

Saponifiable Fraction

It accounts for 98% of its composition, which is formed by triglycerides, oleic acid and phospholipids.

Unsaponifiable Fraction

It supposes the 1.5% that is the unsaturated fatty acids, responsible for the taste of the oil.

The rest of its composition is formed by polyphenols, chlorophilic pigments, carotenoids and volatile compounds, which is what produces its golden color.

Oleic acid is a monounsaturated fatty acid. Extra virgin olive oil is composed of 75% of the oleic acid that provides many health benefits, such as preventing cardiovascular disease. A great amount of oleic acid favors the frying of the foods allowing a slower decomposition and less penetration of fats at the moment of frying.


The density of olive oil is lower than that of water and it is insoluble in it. It has a density of 0.918 kg/l.


Its cultivation began more than 6100 years ago and has been present in all the ancient civilizations on the shores of the Mediterranean. The first references to the origin of olive oil are found in the oldest roots of Egypt and Mesopotamia where olive oil was used as a ceremonial oil of the pharaohs.

The largest olive plantations were in the Nile delta. In the ancient Greek civilization, the winners of the Olympic Games were crowned with branches of laurel and the olive oil was the prize they received.

It was introduced by the Phoenician people in the south of Iberian Peninsula and it increased through trade relations with Greece. Soon the Peninsula became a major producer of it.

With the Roman civilization, the consumption of olive oil grew in all the places of the empire. After the discovery of America, olive cultivation spread beyond the Mediterranean, growing in Mexico, Peru, Argentina and California.

It should be stored in dark bottles which you can get from Vremi.com, an online store. At Vremi2, you will find the olive oil bottles as well as measures of high quality and it makes Vremi the best shopping spot.


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