What is Rhytidoplasty?

What is Rhytidoplasty?

Rhytidoplasty is performed to take away the excessive skin from face along with correction of the facial angles. The loss of skin elasticity, sun exposure, gravity’s effects and repetitive effects of facial expression loosen the facial skin, cause excessive skin and accentuate wrinkles, losing the angles of the facial contour. On the other hand, facial bone resorption with passing years is observed, especially making jaw and cheeks less prominent and favoring looseness of the skin.

Rhytidoplasty does not try to stop facial aging process, but it only disguises aging. It requires the removal of excessive skin, smoothing lines of expression, the wrinkles, by tightening the skin and musculature of the face and recreating the right angles on the face. Because bone reabsorption may exist, facial fillings, osteotomies, or prosthesis placement may be required in the area such as chin.

There are several techniques whereby the incisions vary as well as the area to be treated. At the first discussion with you, the plastic surgeon would assess your health status, medical history and assess your facial features to determine the best option for you. You are supposed to discuss about all your anticipations and anxieties pertaining to your facial surgery with your plastic surgeon.

Once this plastic surgery is finished, you will find drainage tubes with compression bandage around your head, which avoid formation of bruises and will be removed a day after the surgery. The pain after the rhytidoplasty is marginal.

It is important to schedule your social activities and surgery beforehand. After the first week, you can use your makeup again. Avoid for one month strong physical activities such as tennis, jogging, cycling and the like. You should also avoid tinting your hair, smoking, swimming pools and saunas.

You have to use sun block continuously for 6 months and avoid direct exposure to the sun for at least 3 months. Initially you will feel alterations in the sensitivity which is normal as well as feeling of tightness and heaviness in the tissue. By the 1st month, this has already recovered, however, some patients can take up to 6 months to fully recover.

You may also experience the increased volume on the face, pain that does not subside with analgesics, alteration in the color of the skin or blisters, permanent blurred vision, uncontrollable vomiting, altered breathing. If these feelings persist for longer time, you must visit your plastic surgeon for examination.


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