What To Consider For Having A Baby Capsule?

What To Consider For Having A Baby Capsule?

When buying a baby capsule, it is important for the parents-drivers-consumers to keep in mind that it is not about the stylish design but to protect the baby.

The baby capsule must be approved, and therefore have to meet certain minimum conditions stipulated by a regulatory authority. Emphasize one thing that they are technically called child restraint systems, not the child protection systems.

A baby capsule for the homologated car fulfills its function which is to keep the baby in the seat, inside the car, and not to be thrown out by a sudden jerk or bump, nor to be struck badly. But that the baby is held in the baby capsule does not necessarily imply that he or she will not suffer from any sort of damages. In fact, it depends upon the severity of accident.

A good baby capsule will be that which in addition to retain, protects the child, and that is achieved with a design and engineering of the seat. Can you say that a more expensive baby capsule is always safer? Well, again, as with so many things, the answer in ‘no’. There will be expensive baby capsules that are not safer than the ones not so expensive on the market. What is certain is that the cheapest baby capsule will comply with the homologation regulations, but it will be difficult to provide much more.

It is the responsibility of the parents to find out about the baby capsules, decide how they can spend their money, how much they can spend, find out again, compare prices and models, stay informed, and finally make the choice. Being well informed is fundamental to being able to decide better.

Keep in mind that a child may need between two and three baby capsules throughout the growth period. Nowadays there are already more versatile models that allow a great adaptation as the child grows, and the parents can could manage with two baby capsules, for example, one of group 0+ and 1, then another of group 2 and 3. The laboratory tests in different impact tests and statistics show that in a rearward-facing baby capsule, that is, of the back, there is between 90% and up to 93% less risk of the baby’s getting injured. The force to which a baby’s neck is subjected, in a front seat with a five-point harness is up to 280 kg, in a front seat with a shield up to 200 kg and in a back chair is 50 kg.


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