Who Invented the Super Glue?

Who Invented the Super Glue?

The popular adhesive super glue, which is extremely stable, was accidentally invented in 1942 by Mr. Harry Coover. Born in Newark, Delaware, USA, on March 6, 1919, he began working as a chemist at Eastman-Kodak Company in New York. In World War II, he worked with cyanoacrylates looking for a transparent material suitable for the plastic sights of rifles. And it was then that he came across a very sticky material, the methyl cyanoacrylate, with which it was almost impossible to work because it adhered to everything.

Mr. Harry Coover again met the same material nine years later, and that was when he became aware of the fact that he had just discovered a new type of adhesive that did not need pressure or heat for the reason that it is activated by contact with amounts of tiny water, for example, the layer of moisture that covers all things in a natural way. The Kodak released the first version of the super glue in 1958. And in the Vietnam War even super glue was used to glue human tissue without the need for stitches.

If you are in need of a simple glue, you may not even need to buy one for the reason that you can make one at home using the common household ingredients already available at home. Here I remind you that you cannot make the super glue at home. If what you require is super glue, you will have to buy a comical brand such as Loctite Ultra Gel Super Glue, Gorilla Super Glue or Scotch Super Glue Liquid.


A couple of cups of refined wheat flour is mixed with water and put on the fire until it boils, and them it is left for a few minutes on the heat until it begins to thicken, let the flour cook approximately for 15 minutes and remove from fire. Now allow it to cool down and it is used to glue layers of paper mache. I personally, to avoid lumps, pass it through the blender once it cools down. If you want it with more adherent power, you can add some glue or white glue that will yield a lot in this way.

You can make a variation of this recipe of glue. This variant recipe uses white glue mixed in equal parts with water so as to stick more. The uses are the same as those of flour paste.

Super glue was invented in 1942 by Dr. Harry Coover of Eastman Kodak Company while researching for a suitable material to create transparent parts. The super glue has become such a strong glue that it was even used to stick human tissue surgery without stitches during Vietnam War. Let’s see where the strength of the super glue lies.

Super glue does not need pressure or heat to bond the objects together, as it is activated upon making a contact with minute amount of water such as the moisture layer that covers all the things naturally. The process is so fast that the manufacturers of super glue mix it with a small amount of acid to prevent it from reacting too easily.

These are the properties of methyl cyanoacrylate which makes super glue a very powerful adhesive, and this is why it known as super glue. It has the ability to make a chain of bonds extremely difficult to break from a series of the individual molecules.

The electrons of water molecules affect the joints of two carbon atoms of the basic molecule cyanoacrylate, so that the hook turns out to be two heads and can bind other molecule’s tail. This, in turn, supplies the electrons to the other molecules and causes the formation of a chain of molecules that unite the objects with surprising force.

Why doesn’t the super glue stick to its packaging?

Perhaps you have used on more than one occasion a glue of those that are advertised as glue, the most common of which is marketed under the name of super glue. Just open it and put some drops on any surface and you we can see that it solidifies instantly. You may think if it sticks it all, how come does it not stick inside the container? Well, it does not do so because the glue, to fulfill its function, needs a component that activates it, the moisture. Inside the tube there is none, but when you open it and it comes in contact with the humidity of the air or other components like the surfaces to stick or even the same moisture of the fingers, the molecules that make it possible to become adhesive get activated.

Today, you can find numerous brand selling the best super glue and I am if you have not used it yet, you should and you will find it even better what you have just read about it here.


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