Why are Yogis Vegetarians?

Why are Yogis Vegetarians?

The Principle of Ahimsa

The Yamas and Niyamas constitute the ethics of yoga. They are a series of ethical precepts that tell us how to relate to the environment (yama) and what principles to follow in our own lives to have inner peace (niyamas). First of all, it is ahimsa, which means much more than its literal translation, it also means compassion and love.

We are interconnected with the environment because we are all part of a great universal whole. We do not want to promote death or mistreatment, because we are aware of the cruelty involved in eating meat, nor dead animals delivered to our body. Ahimsa in this case is also with our body and mind. This position may be extended to milk in a short time, because as industrializing production has increased animal abuse. Animal meat industry also generates a devastating environmental impact today.

Animals and Awareness

Yoga makes us connected with all beings, because all that exists is part of all and has a sacred character. In addition to yoga philosophy, consciousness begins in the minerals and the next level of consciousness, immediately below the human beings are the other animal forms. To reincarnate as a human being, we must have taken thousands of lives before, but the same spirit in different level of consciousness. That is simply more or less is closer to knowing our true nature, infinite and eternal. Only human beings can achieve liberation. However, often human souls return to the world as other animals with a lower level of consciousness. When an animal is killed for its meat, and in the process it is subjected to abuse and a regime of fear, especially in industrial production, it is possible that this animal was a human being in its past life and it returned to be in the next. They are the same souls in evolution.

The vital energy is in plants.

The main objective of food in yoga is to obtain prana which is in the universe. For humans, a major way to get prana plus breathing is through food. Inside there is a food chain that begins with the sun as a reference, the largest source of prana. The most valuable food in a quantity of vital energy is plants that get more energy from the sun. By eating meat from animals that feed the animal kingdom, we are ingesting secondhand energy. If we consume plant foods directly, we are enriching us with that energy source more immediately.

Physical and Mental Purity

Yoga seeks purity of body and every aspect of our being. It takes into account the effect foods have on our minds and our subtle bodies. The yogic diet is satvic which has a high nutritional value as well to give us inner harmony and promote our mental capacities. The diet that has this feature is lacto-vegetarian.

The human being is carnivorous by nature.

Although there is an endless debate on whether or not our species is carnivorous, yoga definitely ensures that we are not. We all need protein eating smart and balanced in dairy products, legumes and nuts. The human species began to hunt animals by necessity in the Ice Age. Our digestive system is very different from that of carnivorous animals, which digest meat more easily. A piece of meat may take a week to be fully digested in our body and besides being difficult for the body, may steals a lot of energy and be filled with toxins, and possibly bacteria is not fully eliminated. The methods of obtaining meat and the quality of this are very different from what they were two million years ago.

I hope the reason of yogis to be venetians has been clearly reflected in this article and you have no confusion further.


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