Why Team Is Key to Nearshore Software Development

Why Team Is Key to Nearshore Software Development

It is no secret among industry watchers that nearshore software development is one of the hottest sectors in technology right now. Companies like Austin-based iTexico are building strong businesses based on nearshore outsourcing and extended teams as a service (eTaaS) platforms. At the very heart of the most successful such companies are the teams that make them run.

The concept of team is not only the key to nearshore software development but it is also the foundation for success. Any company hoping to provide nearshore services without a team mentality is just looking to invite problems that could doom the company before it ever gets started. There is simply no substitute for a solid team.

Start with the Core Team

Just about every new startup begins with a small handful of people who make up the core. You might have one or two idea people surrounded by three or four who are solid in their business and technology skills. The entire core team works together to launch the startup and spread the word.

Core team members should be:

  • Innovative – We live in a new kind of economy that requires innovation and disruption. It is no longer suitable just to do what everyone else is doing in a more economical way. Startups need new ways of doing things; innovative ways that will completely disrupt an industry.
  • Passionate – Software development can become terribly mundane if developers allow it. The core of a nearshore software development startup must be passionate so as to avoid lethargy and lack of vision.
  • Highly Skilled – Technology is moving at such a fast pace that people who have not updated their skills in the last few years risk falling behind. Core team members should not only be highly skilled but they should also be willing to constantly update their skills.
  • Risk Takers – Last but not least is the willingness to take risks. No highly successful company gets to the top of its game by standing pat. Success requires taking risks – as measured as they might be – in order to push the boundaries to make more room at the top.

Build around the Core Team

Successful entrepreneurs understand that the core team is not the entire company. As a nearshore software development firm grows, it is going to need to add team members in support of the core team and the company’s goals and vision. Each team member should bring something to the table that the company needs. In other words, there is no point in hiring just to hire. Dead weight only slows down growth.

Some industry experts suggest developing a tough interview process for bringing on new team members. There are two reasons for this. First, it is easy to write an impressive resume and CV. It is easy to rehearse how to effectively sit in an interview so as to truly impress the HR manager. It is an entirely different matter altogether to prove you have what it takes to be part of the team.

Second, once word gets out that a startup’s interview process is tough, the best software developers and business are personally challenged to see how they stack up. A tough interview process tends to be a very effective recruiting tool that could land some of the biggest fish in the pond.

Nearshore software development without a team mentality does not work well. By its definition, nearshore development requires a team mindset in order to produce high-quality projects on time, on budget, and to the customer’s satisfaction.


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