Importance of Prayer in Christian Counseling

Importance of Prayer in Christian Counseling

A Christian counselor must inspire the habits of prayer as it creates a new existential structure in the life of the person. Man and woman out of the ground without leaving ago, because God becomes the center of their lives. There are no breaks in continuity between vocal prayer, meditative prayer and contemplation. All three are the parts of the same sequence of thoughts and feelings that come out of the mind and heart and soar to heaven.

Prayer is talking with God, and prayer is as the oxygen of Christian existence. The Christian follows the pattern of Jesus as he addressed to worship, praise, apologize, give thanks and seek the spiritual and material goods needed to God. The good prayer is above all confidence and persevering. We cannot direct God to do as our will but can only identify with it by praying. The world seems then transformed into a small space of our hearts, and covers all. Prayer is like the heartbeat of Christians and is the guarantee that the person lives to God and grows in his presence.

Human labor is necessarily linked to prayer. Man was created by God and placed in the world precisely in order to work. God has work of man and woman to perfect the created world. With work, therefore, man completes himself and ends, your human level, God’s creation, so to speak. Work and prayer are well for man’s material and spiritual aspects of a single activity. Changing the world with contemplative spirit, man changes himself.

All this process of change taking place in the conversion, prayer and work would not be possible without the Eucharist and its awesome power of transformation. The Eucharist is indeed transformative force quintessential reality. Their effects reach the world, the Church and the human beings and in the renewal must experience before God. If the Church is unthinkable without the Eucharist, the Christian in action is inconceivable without the transforming power of the Eucharistic mystery.

The Christine counselor helps to assess and positively uses the things of the world because it is not fleeing the world but being a Christian in it. It helps thereby to achieve unity of the person and hold the centrifugal forces that threaten that unit. It is taught in order for human’s opening horizons, comfort and ability to defend against the temptations and bad examples.

It is vital introduction to the life of the baptized the mystery of the Virgin Mary. Mary is the first Christian and shows us in her life perfect harmony between strength and softness of God that must always preside over the development of Christian life in the world.


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