Benefits of Sirsasana (Headstand Pose)

Benefits of Sirsasana (Headstand Pose)

Sirsasana is the king of yoga. It is the most powerful position in terms of physical, mental and spiritual benefits. It is a deceptively difficult position, but the real difficulty is in the mind, it is a position that confronts us with fear and invites us to conquer. It is a position that leads to defeat the general fears, makes us courageous and powerful. It brings us closer to the truth and gives us confidence in ourselves and in life. Being upside down gives us a different perspective and helps us see things more clearly. It is the quintessential asana that connects us with our seventh chakra, which governs our intellectual abilities and gives us the universal wisdom. It favors entire system and is said to keep us forever young and vital.

It facilitates pumping of the heart, strengthens the respiratory system and circulation and brings more blood to the brain which causes the body’s functions to work better with increased nutrients.

It also improves the condition of varicose vein because it stimulates the blood circulation in the legs. It cures severe constipation and kidney colic and relieves pressure on the lower back. It also relieves dysfunction of nerves, eyes, ears and throat. It strengthens the arms, back and abdomen and promotes good digestion. It is one of the best positions to treat ailments and promote physical and mental health.

When we talk about its spiritual benefits, it increases intellectual abilities, improves memory, strengthens the sensory abilities such as sight and hearing and prevents nervous disorders. It improves concentration and is especially beneficial for people who need long moments of concentration and intellectual effort in their trades. It reduces anxiety and helps treat depression. It is a position that always gives us mental clarity and serenity. It is very emotional to relieve anxiety and stress and activate our seventh chakra, the energy wheel of pure consciousness.

Tips for Beginners

  • Do not rush; to have control over each of the steps is essential to maintain balance in posture along with comfort.
  • Avoid arching your back, bend your knees and let your shoulders collapse. About 90% weight should be on the elbows. Weight is minimal on the head.
  • You can start it in the child’s pose and visualize the headstand before carrying it out. Imagine a stable, light and full of grace posture. In this way, the mind gives us support so that we have a position that we can keep for a long time. As the effort is less, we can meditate on posture.

For Some people, the principle is an important support to the stand against a wall. This will give them the security to raise and to practice without relying on someone else to find the balance. The important thing is to avoid developing a dependence on this external support and later take the final step.


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