Steps to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal at Home

Steps to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal at Home

Laser hair removal is a very popular procedure that allows for the complete removal of hair without undergoing the pain of waxing, and without the time-consuming practice of shaving. However, laser hair removal can take a long time laser hair removal cost could be high depending on the number of sessions. To ensure that the sessions go as quick as possible, it is best to prepare for the laser hair removal at home. The following steps will help you get through the process quickly, which will save you both time and money, while getting you towards having unwanted hair removed much quicker.

Step 1

Do not wax or use tweezers for six weeks prior to your laser hair removal treatment. If you do either of these, you will damage the hair follicles and it will be harder for the laser hair removal technician to remove the hair follicle.

Step 2

Do not tan within six weeks of your treatment. The reason for this is that light skin and dark hair is the best combination to remove hair by laser. If your skin is tanned, it is going to be harder to remove the hair because it will be harder to target. This means it will take more time and that will cost you more money.

Step 3

Make sure that you prepare your schedule in such a way that you do not have to go to work following your laser hair removal session. The reason for this is that your skin will be red, possibly swollen and slightly irritated for about three hours after the procedure. Going to work will not only draw unwanted attention to you if the area that was treated can be seen, and you may find it hard to concentrate.

Step 4

About three days before you go for the treatment, shave the area that you are having treated by laser. The reason for this is that you want to make it easy for the technician to target the hair. When there is stubble, it is much easier for the technician to see the hair follicle and remove it. If there is long hair, it can be harder and take longer for the technician to remove the hair.

Step 5

Do not use any lotions or creams on your skin on the day of appointment. The technician will be putting a special cream on your skin for the treatment and you do not want it to react with the cream or lotion you already have on your skin. You can also ask the technician to put on an anesthetic cream if you are worried about pain. Before you go for the treatment that day, make sure you shower, rinse and soap up completely. Oily skin is harder to work with than nice clean skin. If you are having your underarms treated, do not use any deodorant.


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