Vital Guideline for Co-Sleeping Safely with Your Baby

Vital Guideline for Co-Sleeping Safely with Your Baby

There’re various ways to practice co sleeping and here I am going to explain some to perform co sleeping practice carefully to avoid risks. The family bed and other sleeping areas with the children are not adapted for them and may pose an accident risk to the babies both for the place where they sleep and for sharing bed with adults. These risks can be eliminated or minimized if certain measures are taken. By following them, you will get to sleep with your children with tranquility of practicing safe co sleeping. The recommendations are as follows;

  • Surface on which baby sleeps must be firm, without pillows or cushions that can be smothering.
  • Ideal position for the baby is on his/her back with head turned to one side.
  • Baby should not sleep on a pillow, blanket, cushion or soft surface.
  • Mattress should never be water it is not firm.
  • It’s better to use sheets and blankets instead of bedspreads or comforters.
  • If you sleep the baby in co sleeper, mattress should be well-fitted.
  • Baby should never sleep on couches or sofas or on an adult’s lap. The sofas are soft and full of holes and cavities where they could get trapped and sleeping on top of an adult means risking the baby to fall easily.
  • The baby’s head should not be covered with anything that may make it difficult to breathe.
  • Room’s temperature should be moderate.
  • In case you decide to co sleep with the baby in the same bed, both dad and mom must agree with this decision and be responsible for the presence of the baby and his/her safety.
  • In first weeks of the baby’s life, it’s preferable for the baby to co sleep between the wall, the co sleeper or crib or there is a safe barrier and the mother, rather than between father and the mother.
  • Smoking during pregnancy and smoking after pregnancy increases the risk of sudden death. The two should quit. In case it is not possible the smoker should avoid sharing the bed with the baby for at least the first 14 weeks of the baby’s life.
  • The infants less than one year old should not share the bed with younger siblings because they are not sufficiently aware of their presence when they sleep.
  • In case parents have drunk alcohol, take drugs, sleeping pills or are extremely tired, their reaction capacities and level of alertness may be impaired. In these situations co sleeping with babies is contraindicated.

Here you see it’s easy to be in compliance with these recommendations to practice co sleeping with the baby without risk. To make things easier, you are advised to get the best co sleeper to have absolute peace of mind.


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