What Steps Are Taken By A Plastic Surgeon?

What Steps Are Taken By A Plastic Surgeon?

Plastic surgery has special features that involve important differences with other branches of surgery. The first and very important is that its field of action is not only cosmetic surgery or improvement of the external appearance of the patient but many cases involve reconstructive surgery of great technical and scientific complexity such as breast reconstruction in cases of cancer, cases of large burns or large skin grafts in severe trauma.

In most cases, there is a direct and evident relationship between patient’s concern and the deformity that he/she wants to eliminate or reduce by surgery. However, there are numerous patients who come to the surgeon’s office with a totally disproportionate concern about a problem of small magnitude. In these cases, it is fundamental that surgeon removes that concern and discourage any surgery.

It is highly advisable to choose a medical center with good equipment and experienced plastic surgeon before undergoing the plastic surgery. In the first consultation with the plastic surgeon and in all those that are necessary before carrying out the final surgery, it is very important to carry out the following steps by the plastic surgeon;

  • Analyze the patient’s wishes regarding the elimination or improvement of the deformity or anomaly that is the subject of the consultation. The plastic surgeon should evaluate the patient’s deformity and current concern by informing him/her of the possible states of excessive concern with minor anomalies that do not require any surgery. If the patient’s concern is well founded, the surgeon should inform the patient of the possible results to see if they fit the patient’s expectations or wishes, which in some cases, are totally unrealistic or unrealizable.
  • Conduct the physical examination of the current state as well as a detailed analysis of the patient’s medical and clinical history in case there is any pathology that does not advise the surgery or that may directly affect the final result.
  • All necessary preoperative tests should be performed for each case since many of the plastic surgeries require hospitalization and general anesthesia.
  • Show a photographic study of the situation before the surgery for the later comparative analysis with the obtained results.
  • Show the simulation of the future results with the different means available for each case.
  • Educate the patient about all the options available in each surgery with talks in consultation, brochures, publications or descriptive videos of each step, its advantages and possible drawbacks.

If you are looking for a plastic surgeon in Tampa Bay, you are in great luck as Dr. Eric Egozi MD is serving in this area, a renowned board certified plastic surgeon. You must visit Tampa plastic surgeon Eric Egozi MD right now to take his services since he is quite a busy person and may not be available very easily.


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