How to Start the Process of Weight Loss?

How to Start the Process of Weight Loss?

Before you begin your weight loss program, I want to give you a little warning; remember that you cannot healthfully lose weight in a week or two, especially if you are considerably overweight. Not only do you run the risk of falling into malnutrition, but also probably suffer the rebound effect, which is a sudden drop in weight followed by an equally sharp rise.

To lose weight continuously and without risking your health, it is advisable to shake up one to two kilograms per week. It may be that if your metabolism is fast and put into practice our advice seriously to lose weight steadily and healthily and all this will be done in the span of three months. Just imagine that if you lose on average a kilo and a half a week, in twelve weeks, you will have gone down about 18 kilos, which is an excellent achievement. If you weigh one hundred kilograms and suffer from overweight, you will be weighing, after three months, about 82 kilos which is a good result of your efforts. You can also have some supplements for energy like Slim n Save to meet the deficit of required energy. 

Get organized by analyzing your eating habits

The first thing to do is sit down and write down on a paper the following eating habits;

  • How many times a day should you eat?
  • What kind of food should you eat i.e. meat, pasta, sweets, rice, vegetables, etc.
  • How many calories should you eat daily?

To calculate the amount of calories, you can check the nutrition information contained on the packaging of food you eat. Although it may seem a cumbersome task, you must carry it out since it is essential to know the approximate number of calories you eat in a day. Note that each gram of fat equals 9 calories, whereas each gram of carbohydrate and protein equals 4 calories. At present, you surely are eating more calories than your body needs, hence, you are overweight now.

Change your eating habits

Most people who are overweight committed the following errors;

  • They eat a lot, but a few times a day, and at night
  • They eat excessive amount of carbohydrates from flour and sweets
  • They do not do exercise which is quite obvious.
  • They drink little water.
  • They eat a few vegetables and fruits.

Let’s change these habits. First, organize your intake in six times a day as;

  • Breakfast
  • Mid morning snack
  • Lunch
  • Afternoon snack
  • Snack in the evening
  • Dinner

This division of daily intakes will keep your metabolism active throughout the day and you will lose weight fast for sure.


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